Keynote and Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Stewart Williams
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Stewart Williams
Keynote Speaker
Cranfield University
Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) Qualification – The Last Remaining Challenge for Widespread Industrial Applications?
Professor Williams has been researching into material processing for manufacturing applications for more than 30 years. Initially through an SME supplying laser systems, then for nearly 20 years at BAE Systems and for the last 15 years, at Cranfield University where he is Director of the Welding and Additive Manufacturing Centre. His main research activities are large-scale wire based direct energy deposition additive manufacture and laser processing. He is director of the WAAMMat industrial collaboration programme, which has been maturing WAAM technology for 12 years He is Technical Director and Co-Founder of WAAM3D, a company set up to commercialise and supply WAAM technology to industry.
Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) Qualification – The Last Remaining Challenge for Widespread Industrial Applications?
Prof. Dr. Stewart Williams
Cranfield University, UK
Since the early 2000’s Cranfield University has been researching and developing WAAM technology and applications with a multi-disciplinary approach and a wide range of industry partners and applications. Throughout this time many challenges have been faced to develop and mature the technology to a level that it can used for critical structural engineering applications. Using the example of Ti6Al4V for airframe and space applications the techniques and solutions developed to overcome these challenges will be highlighted. Despite this the widespread adoption of WAAM still remains elusive. The last and perhaps biggest remaining challenge is that of qualification. The current approach is inflexible, slow and costly. A physics-based qualification approach is being developed which would be process, system and part geometry independent, leading to much greater flexibility and reduced cost and time. Progress towards this and the challenges involved will be presented.
Keywords: WAAM; Ti6Al4V; Structural engineering; Physics-based qualification.

Prof. Dr. Ju Li
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Ju Li
Keynote Speaker
Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites
Ju Li has held faculty positions at the Ohio State University, the University of Pennsylvania, and is presently a chaired professor at MIT. His group ( investigates the mechanical, electrochemical and transport behaviors of materials as well as novel means of energy storage and conversion. Ju is a recipient of the 2005 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the 2006 Materials Research Society Outstanding Young Investigator Award, and the TR35 award from Technological Review. He was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014, a Fellow of the Materials Research Society in 2017 and a Fellow of AAAS in 2020. Li is the chief organizer of MIT A+B Applied Energy Symposia that aim to develop solutions to global climate change challenges with “A-Action before 2040” and “B-Beyond 2040” technologies.
Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites
Prof. Dr. Ju Li
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
We explore the design principles behind additive manufacturing of metallic matrix composites (MMC) [Additive Manufacturing 67 (2023) 103478; Composites Part B 268 (2024) 111052], which presents a simple and effective method for strengthening high-temperature materials by ceramic nano dispersions that could be used in the increasingly harsh environments in energy and propulsion applications. In particular, I will take structural materials for fusion energy application as an example [Acta Materialia 266 (2024) 119654; Adv. Sci. 9 (2022) 2203555]. We also illustrate progress in autonomous experiments assisted by large language models ["Machine learning in nuclear materials research," Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 26 (2022) 100975; CRESt – Copilot for Real-world Experimental Scientist, chemrxiv-2023-tnz1x].
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Metallic matrix composites; Ceramic nanodispersions; Fusion energy; Machine learning.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akbar Heidarzadeh
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akbar Heidarzadeh
Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
Insights into Grain Structure Formation During Friction Stir Welding Processing of Metals and Alloys
Akbar Heidarzadeh is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran. He earned a BSc degree in Materials Science in autumn 2007. He obtained his MSc degree in Advanced Engineering Materials in the autumn of 2010. He received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science, working on the FSW of copper-based alloys, in Feb. 2016. Akbar’s PhD studies resulted in more than 25 papers in the field of microstructural
evolution during FSW/FSP. His achievements in the field of FSW and Additive Manufacturing (AM) have been appreciated by the society and he received several awards and research grants. He is currently the author of more than 100 papers (Google Scholar (2024), h-index= 35), 5 book chapters, and more than 35 communications to national and international conferences.
Insights into Grain Structure Formation During Friction Stir Welding/Processing of Metals and Alloys
Akbar Heidarzadeh1, Rasoul Khajeh2, Mousa Javidani2
1Department of Materials Engineering, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
2Department of Applied Science, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Saguenay, QC, G7H 2B1, Canada
There is increasing interest in friction stir welding/processing (FSW/P) of metals and alloys due to its ability to address several challenges associated with conventional fusion welding techniques. These challenges include significant distortions, solidification cracking, macro and micro segregations, dendritic structures, gas and shrinkage porosities, solid inclusions, color changes, the formation of brittle intermetallics in dissimilar materials, a broad heat-affected zone (HAZ), high energy consumption, and environmental pollution. In contrast, FSW/P not only mitigates these issues but also promotes grain refinement through various deformation and restoration mechanisms driven by the combined effects of strain and heat. As a result, there is a strong impetus across multiple industrial sectors to replace traditional fusion processes with FSW/P, given its substantial potential. Understanding the microstructural aspects of FSW/P in metals and alloys is therefore crucial for comprehending the fundamental processes, material behavior, and the resultant properties. This presentation will discuss recent research that has significantly advanced our understanding of microstructural evolution, with a particular focus on grain structure formation during FSW/P.
Keywords: Friction stir welding; Friction stir processing; Microstructure; Grain structure.

Alejandro Lázaro Martínez
Alejandro Lázaro Martínez
Improving Printability of Large Directed Energy Deposition Components
Alejandro Lázaro, manager of the Materials and Printing Processes Department at Meltio. Alejandro has an outstanding track record in the analysis and improvement of additive manufacturing processes, materials characterisation and the development of innovative solutions for various industries, including defence, naval and aeronautics. Prior to his current position, Alejandro worked at AIMEN Centro Tecnológico as a materials engineer, supporting research in additive manufacturing and characterising materials for both national and European projects. His training in materials engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and his passion for his work have been key to his professional success.
Improving Printability of Large Directed Energy Deposition Components
Lázaro, A. 1a, Carretero, F. 1b, Olivieri, G. 1c, Escobar, E. 2d, Ramos, A. 2e, Robinson, C. 2f
1Meltio, Polígono Industrial Los Rubiales, Calle 3, Naves 7-12, 23700 Linares, Jaén, Spain
2Ansys, 2600 Ansys Dr, Canonsburg, PA 15317, USA
Directed energy deposition (DED), an additive manufacturing (AM) technology, is known for its varied usages that enable manufacturing and the repair of metal components using powder or wire material. While other technologies, such as powder bed fusion, limit the size of the printing components to the machine build envelopes, AM-DED with wire as feedstock material offer larger build envelopes, high deposition rates, greater cost benefits, and increased manufacturing freedom due to the multiple deposition axes. AM-DED is used today across multiple industries, including mass manufacturing, maintenance, and industrial applications. But despite these advantages, distortions and residual stresses can potentially be observed in printed components if the energy applied per unit of material is not meticulously designed through different manufacturing parameters. Especially when manufacturing large metal components that can take days or weeks to complete, it is essential to control the process before manufacturing to predict and avoid manufacturing defects. In this presentation, we delve into Meltio's advanced AM-DED Wire technologies and their integration with Ansys simulation tools to predict and mitigate deformations in a titanium roll hoop Formula 1 component. The study combines simulation predictions with optic and scanning electron metallography to evaluate the microstructural effects of different manufacturing parameters. Through this case study, we highlight the importance of optimizing parameters in DED processes for achieving desired outcomes and maintaining component integrity. The findings and insights gained from this research contribute to advancing the understanding and application of AM-DED technology in industrial settings, particularly in the motor racing industry.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing, Directed Energy Deposition, Overheating, Warping, FE simulation, Metallography, Formula 1, Motor racing.

Dr. Ali İhsan Koruk
Dr. Ali İhsan Koruk
BOSAL Energy, Belgium
Utilization of Additive Manufacturing Methods in the Energy and Emission Sectors
Dr. Ali Ihsan Koruk is an expert in materials science, specializing in welding, stainless steels, superalloys, and various metallurgical processes. His research interests include the microstructure and mechanical behavior of materials, thermodynamics, composite materials, laser welding, and additive manufacturing. Dr. Koruk has collaborated with academic and research institutions internationally. He is currently a process development engineer at Bosal Emission Control Systems in Belgium, focusing on welding and joining exhaust systems, high-temperature heat exchangers, towbars, air tanks, and fuel tank components.
Utilization of Additive Manufacturing Methods in the Energy and Emission Sectors
Ali İhsan Koruk
BOSAL Energy, Belgium
The design and manufacturing of exhaust systems and energy components, such as heat exchangers, require the use of multiple materials, which presents several challenges. This presentation will showcase different additive manufacturing techniques applied to specific examples of exhaust components and high-temperature-resistant stainless steel heat exchangers.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Exhaust systems; Heat exchangers; High-temperature stainless steel.
Aydın Yağmur
Aydın Yağmur
Additive Minds /EOS
Impact and Potential of In-Situ Monitoring on the Development of Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Technologies
Aydın’s passion is exploring the mechanisms of laser-material interaction, inspired by his B.Sc. studies in metallurgical engineering at METU in Ankara and his M.Sc. in materials science at the University of Stuttgart. Following a previous six-year career specializing in conventional manufacturing processes and materials, he joined the Additive Minds team in September 2017, where he supports customers in various questions, such as evaluating the machine capability of EOS metal machines and implementing EOSTATE monitoring solutions. He conducts customer-specified projects that enable him to utilize his expertise to understand the effects of DMLS process parameters on part properties. This helps him to develop optimum solutions of an appropriate quality and cost for industrial AM.
Impact and Potential of In-Situ Monitoring on the Development of Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Technologies
Aydın Yağmur
Additive Minds / EOS, Munich, Germany
In this session the latest advancements in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) technology, with a special focus on In-Situ Monitoring Systems, will be covered. LPBF has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, offering unparalleled precision and efficiency in producing complex geometries. However, ensuring quality and consistency in the additive manufacturing process remains a challenge. In-Situ Monitoring Systems have emerged as a crucial tool for real-time monitoring and control, offering a deeper understanding of the process dynamics and enabling instant feedback-control for process regulation. The principles behind In-Situ Monitoring Systems, their application on EOS L-PBF systems, and their impact on enhancing process stability, part quality, and overall productivity is discussed. From optical tomography to melt pool monitoring, we will uncover the diverse array of sensing techniques employed in these systems and their role in mitigating defects and ensuring part integrity and economic feasibility.
Keywords: LPBF; In-Situ Monitoring; EOS systems; Process stability; Melt pool monitoring; Optical tomography; Defect mitigation.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binnur Sagbas
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binnur Sagbas
Yıldız Technical University
Additive Manufacturing and Biomedical Applications
Assoc.Prof. Dr.Binnur Sagbas is a Mechanical Engineer and a faculty member of Yildiz Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department in Istanbul, Turkiye. Her research interests are manufacturing technologies, additive manufacturing, manufacturing metrology,
surface post processing, coatings and tribology. She is the head of the Surface Technologies Laboratory and the coordinator of the YTU-Additive Manufacturing Research group which has 4 PhD, 15 MSc. and 5 BSc. students. She conducted more than 20 scientific projects and has more than 30 scientific papers, 8 book chapters and more than 50 proceedings about additive manufacturing, surface modification, tribology and metrology. She is the editorial board member of Advanced Manufacturing Research and International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry. She is the board member of Turkish Additive Manufacturing Association and vice dean of the YTU Mechanical Engineering Faculty.
Additive Manufacturing and Biomedical Applications
Binnur Sağbaş
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Besiktas, Istanbul, Türkiye
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is transforming the biomedical field with its ability to create highly customized, complex structures tailored to individual patient needs in various biomedical applications such as orthopaedics, dental, tissue engineering, artificial organs etc. In orthopaedics it enables the production of patient-specific implants and prosthetics, such as hip and knee replacements, which offer better fit and functionality compared to traditional methods. In the dental industry, 3D printing is used to fabricate precise dental implants, crowns, and bridges, enhancing both the accuracy and efficiency of dental procedures. Tissue engineering has also greatly benefited from additive manufacturing, as it allows for the creation of scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix, supporting cell growth and tissue regeneration. This technology can print with biocompatible materials and living cells, opening the door to innovations like the creation of skin, cartilage, and even more complex organs for transplantation. Different additive manufacturing (AM) methods are utilized in various biomedical applications, each chosen for its specific capabilities and material compatibilities. Stereolithography (SLA), which uses a laser to cure liquid resin into solid structures, is popular in dental applications for creating highly detailed crowns, bridges, and surgical guides due to its high resolution and accuracy. Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), which fuse powdered materials with a laser, are often used in orthopaedic applications to produce strong, durable implants such as titanium bone plates and joint replacements. These methods are ideal for creating porous structures that mimic natural bone, facilitating better integration with the body. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), which extrudes thermoplastic filaments layer by layer, is commonly employed in producing customized prosthetics and anatomical models due to its cost-effectiveness and the availability of biocompatible materials. Direct Ink Writing (DIW) and Bioprinting are used in tissue engineering and living cell applications, where cells and biomaterials are precisely deposited to create scaffolds that support tissue growth or even direct printing of tissue constructs, such as skin grafts or cartilage. These methods are crucial for advancing regenerative medicine and developing personalized, patient-specific treatments. Material Jetting (MJ), is another additive manufacturing method that has significant applications in the biomedical field with its ability to produce high-resolution, multi-material, and multi-colour prints. In material jetting, droplets of photopolymer material are deposited layer by layer and cured using ultraviolet (UV) light, allowing for the creation of detailed and complex structures. This method is particularly useful for creating realistic anatomical models for surgical planning and training. The versatility of additive manufacturing in combining different materials and biological components makes it a critical tool in advancing personalized biomedical applications and regenerative therapies.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Biomedical applications; Orthopaedics; Dental; Tissue engineering; SLA; LPBF; FDM; DIW; Bioprinting; Material Jetting.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Can Ayas
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Can Ayas
Delft University of Technology
Design for material properties of additively manufactured metals using topology optimization
The Netherlands
Can Ayas is an Associate Professor at the Delft University of Technology in the Precision and Microsystems department. He has attained a PhD. degree from the Applied Physics Department of the University of Groningen in 2010 and subsequently joined the Eindhoven University of Technology as a post-doc researcher. Successively, he worked at the University of Cambridge as a post-doctoral research associate before joining TU Delft in 2014. His
research interest is concentrated on developing computational tools in the field of mechanics of materials and structural design, such as additive manufacturing process, topology optimization for additive manufacturing, plasticity at small scales, hydrogen embrittlement and design of lattice materials.
Design for Material Properties of Additively Manufactured Metals Using Topology Optimization
Can Ayas
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
The main advantage of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies is that geometrically complex shapes can be realized, which is not feasible with conventional manufacturing technologies such as milling and casting. Topology Optimization (TO) is often used in conjunction with AM to exploit this form freedom. TO is a computational design tool through which the optimal geometric layout of a part is obtained to enhance part-specific performance. The designs obtained by TO tend to be geometrically complex and thus can often only be realized by AM. Large-scale parts with dimensions of a few meters can be manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition (DED) processes such as Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) and similar to any metal AM processes, the deposited material is subjected to a series of heating and cooling cycles. The locally occurring temperature extremes and cooling rates determine solid-state phase fractions, material microstructure, texture, and ultimately the local material properties. As the shape of a part determines the local thermal history during AM, this offers an opportunity to influence these material properties through design. In this paper, we present a way to obtain desired properties by controlling the local thermal history. This is achieved through topology optimization of the printed part while considering its entire transient thermal history. As an example of this approach, this work focuses on high strength low alloy steels, where resulting phase fractions significantly influence mechanical properties such as yield strength and ductility. These solid-state phase fractions depend on cooling rates in a particular critical temperature range. The phase composition and hence the local yield strength in target regions can be controlled by constraining the cooling time in this range. Numerical examples illustrate the capability of the proposed approach in adapting part designs to achieve various desired material properties.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Topology optimization; Directed Energy Deposition; WAAM; Thermal history; High strength low alloy steels.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Danijela Rostohar
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Danijela Rostohar
Coventry University
Tailoring Laser Properties for Efficient Laser-Based Manufacturing
Assoc. Prof; Dr. Danijela Rostohar is an accomplished and results-driven professional with expertise in strategic laser processes development and project leadership. She is an Associate Professor in Laser Processing at the Centre for Manufacturing and Materials at Coventry University. Her research focuses on increasing our understanding of laser-material interactions and optimizing laser processing and joining for industrial applications.
Tailoring Laser Properties for Efficient Laser-Based Manufacturing
Danijela Rostohar
Institute for Advance Manufacturing, Coventry University, UK
The recent development of novel laser systems allows for the adjustment of several parameters, ranging from wavelength and average power to temporal and spatial energy distribution. This session will examine issues related to the reliable and efficient laser welding of dissimilar materials for the battery sector, as well as the additive manufacturing of complicated multi-material assemblies. The ability for controlling mechanical and electrical characteristics of welds using temporal and spatial energy distribution will be demonstrated. Finally, developments on the creation of a novel multi-wavelength additive manufacturing technology will be discussed.
Keywords: Laser welding; Dissimilar materials; Battery sector; Multi-material assemblies; Multi-wavelength additive manufacturing.

Deniz Demirci
Deniz Demirci
Advanced Materials and Energy Projects Manager
Secretariat of Defence Industries
I have a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Civil Engineering from METU, a Master's degree in Business Administration from Ankara University and a Master's degree in Engineering and Technology Innovation Management from Carnegie Mellon University in the USA. Since 1999, I have taken part in many projects at the Defense Industry Agency and represented my institution in national and international working groups. I have been working in my current position since 2017. As part of my field of duty, I serve as the manager of projects carried out in the fields of Metallic, Ceramic, Composite Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Casting, Forging Technologies, as well as innovative materials (Nanomaterial, Graphene) and Hydrogen Energy Technology.
Defense Industry Additive Manufacturing Roadmap
Deniz Demirci
Secretariat of Defence Industries, Ankara, Türkiye
As the Presidency of Defense Industries, we closely follow additive manufacturing technology, which is rapidly developing and seen as one of the most important groundbreaking technologies of the future. We aim to maximize the benefits provided by this technology, such as agility, production of complex geometries, and mobility, in the qualified production, which is the cornerstone of our defense industry.
From powder bed production methods to directed energy deposition, and from polymers to superalloys, this technology encompasses many aspects that need to be developed and worked on, both in terms of production and materials. We are conducting meetings with all stakeholders in the sector, from universities to SMEs and foundation companies, to assess the current state of this technology in our country, identify areas where we have advanced experience and skills, and determine the gaps we need to work on. We are also preparing the roadmap for this technology.
Following the publication of the Additive Manufacturing Technologies Roadmap in 2020, we plan to update this document next year with the participation of all stakeholders through our activities, aiming to create a guide for all funding organizations and companies operating in our country.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Defense industry; Powder bed production; Directed energy deposition; Polymers; Superalloys; Roadmap.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhanesh G Mohan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhanesh G Mohan
University of Sunderland
Impact of Volumetric Energy Density on Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy via Selective Laser Melting
Dr. Dhanesh G. Mohan is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.), and a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) with over a decade of academic experience. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Technology at the University of Sunderland, UK, where he leads research on AI-driven Net-Zero Manufacturing, focusing on novel alloy design, additive manufacturing, and hybrid welding techniques. Dr. Mohan serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Sage Publishing), the International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (Springer), and Welding International (Taylor and Francis). He is also an Academic Editor for Advances in Materials Science and Engineering and Advances in Polymer Technology (Wiley) and an editorial board member
for the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis). His research focuses on big-area additive manufacturing and hybrid friction stir welding methods, including laser-assisted FSW, ultrasonic vibration-assisted FSW, and induction-assisted FSW and FSP. Dr. Mohan investigates the mechanical, metallurgical, corrosive, and microstructural properties of dissimilar metals and alloys, such as steels, magnesium alloys, aluminum alloys, and high entropy alloys
Impact of Volumetric Energy Density on Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy via Selective Laser Melting
Dhanesh G. Mohan
School of Engineering, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom
The emergence of pores during the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process significantly diminishes mechanical properties, often leading to reduced performance and structural integrity of the fabricated components. Consequently, pore elimination is crucial for ensuring the quality and productivity of manufactured parts. This study aims to assess the influence of key parameters—including laser power (ranging from 200 W to 400 W), layer thickness (20 µm to 50 µm), exposure time (50 µs to 200 µs), hatch distance (0.1 mm to 0.2 mm), and volumetric energy density (VED) (50 J/mm³ to 100 J/mm³)—on the microstructure and tensile properties of AlSi10Mg specimens produced by LPBF, both in their as-built state and after solution heat treatment. Volumetric Energy Density (VED) is frequently used to optimise LPBF process parameters, as it provides a comprehensive evaluation of all four primary factors. This article specifically investigates the effect of VED on the microstructural features and tensile characteristics of printed parts. Results indicate that a high VED of 78.13 J/mm³ reduces porosity and defects, thereby enhancing the tensile properties of the specimens. For instance, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) improved by approximately 15% and 10%, respectively, compared to specimens with lower VED. For specimens subjected to solution heat treatment, it is recommended to reduce the laser power to 350 W, achieving a VED of 60.76 J/mm³. This adjustment resulted in specimens with a UTS of 320 MPa and YS of 200 MPa, which are significant improvements over untreated specimens. The study's findings suggest that optimising LPBF parameters, particularly VED, can lead to substantial improvements in the tensile properties of AlSi10Mg parts, offering new insights for advancing additive manufacturing techniques.
Keywords: Laser Powder Bed Fusion; Pores; Mechanical properties; AlSi10Mg; Volumetric Energy Density; Tensile properties; Process parameters.

Prof. Dr. Emel Taban
Prof. Dr. Emel Taban
Kocaeli University
Purge gas for welding of stainless steel pipes: Must or luxury?
Prof. Dr. Emel TABAN, born in 1980, received her BS, MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2002, 2004 and 2007 respectively. Her academic career gets started in Kocaeli University as Research Assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Kocaeli University in 2002. She has been guest researcher and exchange PhD student at the University of Ghent and Belgian Welding Institute. She conducted her postdoctoral studies as a Guest Professor at the Welding Engineering Department of the Ohio State University (OSU) and Edison Welding Institute (EWI). She successfully conducted and completed research projects on aluminium to steel welding as principal investigator in cooperation with OSU and EWI.
She has been working as Full Professor in Department of Mechanical Eng. of Kocaeli University since 2018 and she is currently the Vice Director of the Welding Research Center.
She has over 120 publications and books on welding technologies, weldability and welding metallurgy of stainless steels, high alloyed steels and aluminium alloys using conventional and advanced welding processes. She has over 2000 citations to date and an h-index of 22 as a researcher. She has served as a member of several organizations such as International Institute of Welding, Turkish Academy of Welding, Turkish Standardization Institute, panelist and reviewer of several Industrial Research projects and R&D Centers in Turkey, American Society of Metals, American Welding Society, German Welding Society, Scientific Committee Member of several Welding and Materials Congress and Symposiums.
She has given keynote speeches for many international respected organizations related to welding and materials science.
Prof. Dr. Emel Taban is the recipient of McKay-Helm award from American Welding Society for the best contribution to the advancement of knowledge of stainless steel welding, involving the use, development and testing of these materials.
In December 2020, October 2021 and October 2022, she has been listed among the World’s top 2% Scientists in a global list compiled by prestigious Stanford University. And in March and May 2021, she has been listed among Turkey’s top 1% Scientists.
In December 2021, she has been listed as the author of most cited 6th scientific paper in Europe and most cited 28th paper in the World by AD Scientific Rankings.
In December 2021, she has been listed within top 1% scientists in Turkiye by AD Scientific Rankings
In February 2022 and February 2023, she has been listed in World Scientists List by AD Scientific Rankings
She has been serving as Executive Board Meeting Member of Manufacturing Section at the Scientific Research Council of Turkiye since 2024.
She is also recipient of Prof. Dr. Baki Komsuoglu Science and Technology award, various awards from Research Council of Turkey. She is awarded over 10 times by Kocaeli University due to Excellence in research and academic activities.
Purge Gas for Welding of Stainless Steel Pipes: Must or Luxury
Emel Taban
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Türkiye
The oil and gas plants must select the most cost-effective and reliable materials due to their diverse applications and conditions. Much oil and gas technology is mature practice. In large part, the stainless steels are employed in plant and associated equipment where the corrosion resistance of plain carbon- or low-alloy steels is inadequate. The austenitic and duplex grades find applications where their excellent elevated-temperature or cryogenic mechanical properties are of advantage.For the high-quality stainless steel pipe welds required for power plants, petrochemical facilities, pharmaceutical, brewery, and food-processing factories, the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process is preferred. Weld root quality of stainless steel pipe and tubes can be ensured by removing the air from the fusion zone using an inert purging gas. Unsatisfactory purging results in formation of ferrochromium layers of colored oxide films commonly referred to as “heat tints.” Oxygen contamination in stainless steel welding causes dross or “sugaring,” referred to in the industry as an oxide layer on the root surface of the weld bead. This is a rough, pitted, and porous layer that can trap organic matter that may lead to contamination, weakened mechanical properties, and compromised in-service corrosion resistance of the weldments. In particular, pitting in weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) has often been reported for standard austenitic stainless steels such as EN 1.4301/1.4401 (AISI 304/316). In practice, the high-temperature oxides formed during welding are removed by pickling using a bath or paste followed by repassivation. This is considered the best method to restore the pitting corrosion resistance of an already oxidized weld. However, postweld cleaning using mechanical or chemical procedures is often complex or too expensive It is therefore essential to use a proper purging technique to shield the root side of the joint from atmospheric contamination. Common root shielding (purging) gases are argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2), and nitrogen mixed with hydrogen (H2, typically 10%). Other gases such as helium (He), Ar/He, and H2 mixtures are also used. Hydrogen provides a reducing atmosphere that counteracts oxide formation more effectively than Ar, but is generally only recommended for austenitic stainless steels. For N2 alloyed austenitic grades or superduplex stainless steels, it is often recommended to use N2-containing mixes to counteract losses of N2 from the weld pool. Variation in purge gas quality may arise during welding and it may be desirable to apply continuous gas monitoring, in particular to control O2 and moisture content. There is inadequate published literature about the effects of purging gases on the microstructural, corrosion, and mechanical properties of austenitic and duplex stainless steel that is applicable to the oil and gas industry and refinery applications where severe corrosion conditions are common. Thus, the aim of this speech is to show the effects of purging gases on the properties of the GTA welded joints of various stainless steel pipes used in refinery applications.
Keywords: Oil and gas; Stainless steel; GTAW; Purging gases; Weld quality; Corrosion resistance; Austenitic; Duplex steels.

Dr. Evren Yasa
Dr. Evren Yasa
University of Sheffield
Breaking the Boundaries of AdditiveManufacturing: Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Dr. Evren Yasa leads the Additive Manufacturing group and activities at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), University of Sheffield, UK. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) and has actively been working in additive manufacturing since 2005 when she started her PhD studies at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Her Ph.D. thesis, “Combined Process of Selective Laser Melting and Selective Laser Erosion/Laser Re-melting,” was awarded the Emerald Outstanding Doctoral Research Award. After a short period of postdoctoral study, Dr. Yasa worked as a senior engineer at Tusas Engine Industries, a General Electric joint-venture company specializing in manufacturing aero-engine parts, where she led additive manufacturing projects/activities. Later, she returned to academia as an assistant professor for 5 years. Moreover, she has been working as an independent expert in laser-based manufacturing on behalf of the European Commission. In 2022, she joined AMRC, working closely with the industry to enhance the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies for real-world problems by merging novel research and goal-focused additive manufacturing usability.
Breaking the Boundaries of Additive Manufacturing: Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Evren Yasa
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), University of Sheffield, UK
Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD), combining friction stir welding concept with material feeding, is an emerging Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology for large-scale component manufacturing with good mechanical properties. The fact that the AFSD process is carried out under ambient atmosphere for most of the materials eliminates the need for a protective/inert gas chamber and simplifies the upscaling of the build volume. Moreover, being a solid-state process, the temperatures do not exceed the melting temperature of the material, and this makes it possible to use reactive materials such as Mg alloys or high-strength Al alloys which are difficult to melt or weld by conventional process routes due to their susceptibility to cracking. This talk will introduce this promising AM technology by exploring the advantages and limitations of AFSD for industrial applications in aerospace and defence sectors.
Keywords: Additive Friction Stir Deposition; Additive Manufacturing; Large-scale components; Solid-state process; Aerospace; Defence.

Prof. Dr. Güney Güven Yapıcı
Prof. Dr. Güney Güven Yapıcı
Özyeğin University
Severe Plastic Deformation for Post-Processing of Additive-Manufactured Alloys
Following graduate studies at Texas A&M University, Prof. Yapıcı held engineering-management positions in various corporations in USA. Following his return to Türkiye, he participated in the establishment of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Özyeğin University, where he holds the Department Head position and directs the Center for Additive Manufacturing Alloys (KİMTAL). His research interests lie in the area of processing-microstructure-property relationships of structural and smart materials through advanced experimental characterizations coupled with computational modeling of the material behavior at micro and nano scale. He has extensive experience in the areas of mechanical behavior, advanced manufacturing and thermo-mechanical processing of novel alloys. He has published in various high impact journals and directed externally funded projects supported by Tübitak, European Research Executive Agency and Science Academy of Türkiye.
Severe Plastic Deformation for PostProcessing of Additive-Manufactured Alloys
Güney Güven Yapıcı
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Özyeğin University, Türkiye
Mechanics and Manufacturing of Functional and Structural Materials Laboratory (MEMFIS), Özyeğin University, İstanbul, Türkiye
Center for Additive Manufacturing Alloys (KİMTAL), Özyeğin University, İstanbul, Türkiye
The constant need for high performance engineering components supports the efforts for expanding the design envelopes through the realization of complex shapes and geometries by additive manufacturing. Although additive manufacturing can accurately provide the topology, mechanical behavior is inherently limited by the material properties and how the material is built. Therefore, improvement of additivemanufactured components from a mechanical behavior perspective has several technological implications. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) has long been utilized to achieve extraordinary physical and mechanical properties in a variety of material systems. In this work, cases on the utilization of SPD technologies as post-AM processing tools for mechanical response enhancement is provided by highlighting the recent efforts in various alloys. As such, this study demonstrates the potential of SPD for obtaining unprecedented properties in additive-manufactured alloys, whereby optimum selection of post-AM processing parameters and workpiece geometry are crucial.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Complex geometries; Mechanical behavior; Severe plastic deformation (SPD); Post-processing; Alloy enhancement.

Prof. Dr. Gürel Çam
Prof. Dr. Gürel Çam
İskenderun Technical University
Recent Advances in the Manufacturing of Magnesium Components Using Directed Energy Deposition Techniques
Gürel Çam is currently a full professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Iskenderun Technical University, İskenderun-Hatay, Turkey. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from the Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, University of London, U.K., in 1990. He also worked at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Research Center), Institute of Materials Research, Germany for four years between 1994 and 1998. He has authored or co-authored 107 journal articles, 91 proceeding papers (12 of them are keynote presentations - invited lectures), and one international book chapter. His publications have been cited more than 8000 times in Google Scholar, h-index = 47 (5843 citations in Scopus; h-index: 42, and 5293 citations in WOS; h-index: 40). He is the writer of a book entitled ‘Science and Technology of Welding’ (in Turkish). His research interests include metal additive manufacturing, particularly wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), welding technologies including friction stir welding, diffusion bonding, electron beam welding, laser beam welding, and characterization of welded joints. He is a member of AWS (American Welding Society), USA, and DVS (Deutsche Verband für Schweisstechnik), Germany. He is also a member of the General Board, Institute of Turkish Welding Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey, since January 2009, and MUDEK Programme Evaluator, Turkey (Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy-Materials Engineering) since May 2018.
Recent Advances in the Manufacturing of Magnesium Components Using Directed Energy Deposition Techniques
Gürel ÇAM1, Ali GÜNEN2
1Iskenderun Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 31200 İskenderun-Hatay, Türkiye
2Iskenderun Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 31200 Iskenderun-Hatay, Türkiye
The rising demand for lightweight materials in industries such as medical, automotive, and aerospace has driven research into Mg-alloys due to their high strength-to-weight ratio. However, their low formability at room temperature, caused by limited slip systems, hinders their widespread use, especially for intricate components. Traditional manufacturing methods increase production costs and cycle times for complex Mg-alloy parts, making it difficult to meet high property specifications. This has spurred significant research into additive manufacturing (AM) of Mg-alloy products.
Additive manufacturing (AM) has revolutionized the production of Mg-alloys parts, though its high chemical reactivity and oxidization rate pose challenges. Despite some manufacturing defects like inhomogeneous microstructure, porosity, and high surface roughness, metal additive manufacturing (MAM) produces Mg alloy parts with superior properties compared to cast parts, though not as strong as wrought parts. This makes MAM a promising technique for Mg alloys. Techniques like selective laser melting (SLM) using powder are particularly difficult due to the high surface energy of Mg powder. Conversely, laser-based directed energy deposition (DED) systems with wire feedstock can produce precise and smooth components if well-controlled. Similarly, electron beam wire-based DED systems benefit from vacuum chambers, yielding strong components with enhanced mechanical properties. However, both systems are costly and therefore they are particularly selected for parts with complex details or requiring precise dimensional tolerances in advanced engineering applications where the production expense is justified, such as in the aerospace industry. In contrast, wire arc directed energy deposition (WA-DED) process, also known as wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) method, is cost-effective and environmentally friendly, and offers high production rates and can economically produce large parts (>10 kg) compared to subtractive processes. However, WAAM with layer heights of 1-2 mm typically results in a rougher surface finish, i.e., surface roughness (Ra) around 200 microns. Furthermore, issues such as magnesium's high reactivity and vulnerability to oxidation pose distinct obstacles.
This review examines the progress, challenges, and future prospects of using DED technology for Mg-alloys. It discusses common defects like inhomogeneous microstructures and porosity in DED-manufactured Mg-alloy components, and explores measures to prevent these issues.
Keywords: Additive manufactoring, Direct energy deposition processes, Wire arc additive manufactoring, 3-D printing, Mg alloys
Dr. Huang Sheng
Dr. Huang Sheng
A multi-laser approach for in-situ thermo-mechanical treatment of metals and alloys
Huang obtained his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), where his thesis introduced a novel laser scanning strategy to address the porosity-segregation trade-off commonly associated with in-situ alloying. Throughout his Ph.D. and subsequent postdoctoral research, Huang established several lab testing capabilities, including fracture and fatigue testing, stress corrosion cracking, and X-ray computational tomography. He expanded his research to encompass a wide array of materials, including steels, aluminum alloys, high entropy alloys, and metal matrix composites. He is currently a postdoctoral associate in the Tasan Group within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is developing a multi-laser setup. His scholarly contributions have been published in journals such as Acta Materialia, Nature Communications, and Progress in Materials Science.
A Multi-Laser Approach for In-Situ Thermo - Mechanical Treatment of Metals and Alloys
Huang Sheng
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) has advanced significantly in recent decades, but it remains limited in the variety of microstructures it can produce. To address this limitation, we have implemented a multi-laser system, with each laser inducing different thermo/mechanical effects on the material to achieve spatial microstructure control. This system will be showcased at the conference, where we will also discuss the microstructures achievable through this approach.
Keywords: LPBF; Multi-laser system; Microstructure control; Thermo/mechanical effects; Spatial microstructures.

Prof. Dr. Iris De Graeve
Prof. Dr. Iris De Graeve
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Metal Additive Manufacturing and Its Unique Corrosion Mechanisms
In this lecture an overview is presented of various metal alloys (of aluminium, steel, stainless steel, titanium, Inconel) produced by additive manufacturing, including powder-based methods (Laser Power-Bed Fusion and Direct Energy Deposition) and wire-based (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing). The key focus is on the unique microstructures created by metal AM, resulting in unique corrosion behaviour/mechanisms. Additionally, examples will be shown of how AM defects like (sub)surface pores can influence corrosion or compromise protection methods, and how AM for repair is becoming an interesting approach but at the same time is introducing more challenges for the corrosion community.
Metal Additive Manufacturing and Its Unique Corrosion Mechanisms
Iris De Graeve
Department of Materials and Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Various additive manufacturing (AM) methods of metals exist and they all have one thing in common: the creation of unique and much finer microstructures, very different than the ones we know from conventional metal production by casting, rolling or extrusion. Typically in the AM technology the metals are either from an alloy powder or wire rapidly molten and solidified, resulting mostly in non-equilibrium microstructures. These unique microstructures present us with unique challenges in terms of corrosion, showing mechanisms also far from the conventional ones. In the current presentation several case studies will be discussed including examples on stainless steel 316L produced by powder-based methods (Laser Powder-Bed Fusion LPBF versus Direct Energy Deposition DED), on Wire Arc Additive Manufactured steel (WAAM), on LPBF aluminium alloys and titanium alloys. Inherent features of the AM will be indicated as corrosion triggers.

Dr. Jonas Zielinski
Dr. Jonas Zielinski
Moduleworks GmBH
The significant Role of Software Development for the Additive Manufacturing Technology
Dr. Jonas Zielinski is a distinguished physicist specializing in laser additive manufacturing and material processing. Dr. Zielinski holds a Master of Science in Physics (2013) and a Bachelor of Science in Physics (2011), both from RWTH Aachen University. From March 2018 to February 2023, Dr. Zielinski held the position of Project Leader at the Digital Additive Production (DAP) group at RWTH Aachen University, where he spearheaded research on microstructure and process simulation during rapid solidification in additive manufacturing. Currently serving as a Research Program Manager at ModuleWorks GmbH in Aachen, Germany since March 2023, Dr. Zielinski leads innovative research programs that focus on the development of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.
The Significant Role of Software Development for the Additive Manufacturing Technology
Jonas Zielinski
Moduleworks GmBH, Germany
With the idea of Additive manufacturing a dream was born: to build any complex geometry from scratch. The reality differs drastically from this utopian idea: additive manufacturing is a complex to control process which physical effects spans several orders of magnitude and influence the final part quality. Simple manufacturing strategies lead to mediocre part quality. The key are process, geometry and material adapted strategies that lead to a first-time-right build-up of any geometry.
The significant role of for AM developed software is examined and how it can help enable the dream of first-time-right builds. The focus is on toolpath generation and the optimization of the virtual process chain for AM. General challenges in toolpath planning for AM are presented; primitive approaches are compared to special AM-adapted algorithms that harvest the full capability of modern multi-axis AM machines. Examples of successful implementations and practical demonstrations as well as current and newly arising challenges are given. In the outlook the future of the AM, specifically in the software domain, is discussed.

Prof. Dr. Mitsuru Ohata
Prof. Dr. Mitsuru Ohata
Osaka University
Local Approach for Fracture Assessment of Components with Heterogeneity of Mechanical Properties
Professor Mitsuru Ohata, born on October 22, 1970, is a distinguished expert in materials and manufacturing science at Osaka University, where he currently serves as a Professor in the Graduate School of Engineering. He completed his B.Eng., M.Eng., and Dr.Eng. at Osaka University, specializing in Welding & Production Engineering. Starting his academic career as an Assistant Professor in 1997, he later became an Associate Professor in 2004 and was promoted to full Professor in 2016. His research, enriched by international experience in Slovenia and Germany, has significantly advanced the fields of welding and manufacturing processes.
Local Approach for Fracture Assessment of Components with Heterogeneity of Mechanical Properties
Mitsuru Ohata
Osaka University, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Osaka, Japan
WAAM (wire-arc additive manufacturing) components have great potential for application in structural components. In order to properly assess the safety of WAAM components against brittle fracture, it is necessary to take into account not only the plastic constraint caused by different crack sizes and loading modes, but also the local heterogeneity in strength and toughness within the WAAM components. This lecture firstly introduces a local approach based on the Beremin model of brittle fracture, which has been widely demonstrated to be applied to assess the effect of plastic restraint on the fracture performance of structural components. And examples of the successful application of this model for evaluation of fracture performance of welded joints that has heterogeneity in strength and toughness in welds are also introduced. Finally, a new local approach to predict the fracture toughness of each heat affected zone itself with different microstructures that can be generated by WAAM process is presented. This new local approach can be advanced to evaluate fracture resistance of the WAAM components with high accuracy and high reliability.
Keywords: WAAM; Brittle fracture; Beremin model; Plastic restraint; Fracture toughness; Heat affected zone; Structural components.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Elahinia
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Elahinia
University of Toledo
Design and applications on SLM-based Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Alloys
Dr. Elahinia is a University Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Interim Dean of Chair Engineering at The University of Toledo. He obtained his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in August 2004. Following his graduation, he joined the faculty of the Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME) Department, where he currently served as the department head and director of the Institute for Applied Engineering Research from 2018-2024.
Over the course of his career, Dr. Elahinia has made significant contributions to the field of advanced manufacturing, with a focus on the modeling, control, and design of smart and active materials. His research particularly emphasizes additive manufacturing of functional materials, such as shape memory alloys, for aerospace and biomedical applications. Dr. Elahinia has successfully secured over $26 million in external grants and has served as the advisor for over 100 graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars, twelve of whom have gone on to become professors at other universities.
His research findings have been widely disseminated through his numerous publications, which have been cited more than 12,000 times. In addition to his research achievements, Dr. Elahinia has been actively involved in professional societies. In 2004, he was elected as a member of the ASME/SPIE Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Branch under the Aerospace Division. He has held several elected positions within the branch, including the chair. The branch boasts a membership of over 1500 professionals. Dr. Elahinia is a Fellow of ASME and a Fellow of SPIE and serves as an associate editor for esteemed journals in his research area, including Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, as well as the Journal of Shock and Vibration.
Design and Applications on SLM-Based Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Alloys
Mohammad Elahinia
University of Toledo, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Toledo, USA
This presentation explores the recent advancements in additive manufacturing of NiTi, a shape memory alloy with unique properties. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has been the primary focus, with research optimizing process parameters like laser power and scanning speed to achieve dense parts with desired microstructures and mechanical behavior. The influence of build orientation and scanning strategy on texture and residual stress is also discussed. Additionally, emerging techniques such as direct energy deposition and binder jetting offer alternative approaches to NiTi fabrication, with ongoing research focusing on parameter optimization and post-processing to achieve high-quality parts.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; NiTi; Shape memory alloy; Laser powder bed fusion; Process parameters; Build orientation; Direct energy deposition; Binder jetting.

Murat Yücel
Murat Yücel
Innovative Welding Technologies for Enhancing Liquid Propulsion Systems
Occupation or Job Title: Senior Lead Welding Engineer
Passions and Goals: With a deep passion for engineering and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of manufacturing technologies, I am dedicated to advancing processes in the defense and aerospace industries. My goal is to continue innovating and optimizing critical welding processes, particularly in space applications.
Skill Set and Expertise:
• Expert in Laser Cutting, Milling & Turning, Grinding, Wire EDM
• Proficient in Armor System Welding, MIG Welding, TIG Welding
• Skilled in Powder Metallurgy for Ballistic Ceramic Production
• Experienced in Collaborative Material & Process Selection with Design Teams
• Advanced knowledge in Plasma Welding, Electron Beam Welding, Resistance Seam Welding, Orbital Welding
• Robotic Welding Expert and Laser Welding Specialist
• Skilled in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
• Strong in Risk Management, Critical Decision-Making
•Effective in Team Management in Shift Systems
•Bachelor’s Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Middle East Technical University, 2008
•"International Welding Engineer" diploma from ODTÜ KTM and GSI
Work History:
My career began at Roketsan A.Ş., where I played a crucial role in developing and implementing complex manufacturing processes. Notable projects include the Turkish National Main Battle Tank Composite Armor Production and the establishment of the Türkiye Ballistic Protection Center. I was also responsible for the welded fabrication of all metal structures, including fuel tanks, tank bodies, pressurization tanks, and fuel and pressure feed lines, within liquid propulsion systems for the Micro Satellite Launch System project. Additionally, I have been involved in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) production trials for combustion chambers, pressure tanks and load bearing rods, exploring innovative manufacturing techniques to enhance component performance.
Innovative Welding Technologies for Enhancing Liquid Propulsion Systems
Murat Yücel
Roketsan, Ankara, Türkiye
In aerospace engineering, the efficiency and reliability of liquid propulsion systems are critical to mission success. This presentation provides an in-depth look at the role of cutting-edge welding technologies in the design and optimization of these systems. We will explore various welding techniques such as MIG, TIG, plasma, and electron beam welding, focusing on their applications in fabricating key components including fuel tanks, pressurization tanks, and feed lines.
The discussion will cover recent advancements and their practical applications, highlighting how these technologies have overcome challenges related to material compatibility, joint strength, and performance under demanding conditions. Additionally, the presentation will address the integration of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) in producing combustion chambers, pressure tanks and load bearing rods showcasing its impact on improving manufacturing processes.
Attendees will gain:
An understanding of the latest welding and production technologies and their relevance to aerospace propulsion.
Insights into optimizing weld quality and reliability in high-stress applications.
Strategies for addressing common challenges in welding components for liquid propulsion systems.
This presentation aims to equip professionals with the knowledge to leverage advanced welding techniques, enhancing the performance and reliability of liquid propulsion systems.
Keywords: Aerospace engineering; Liquid propulsion; MIG welding; TIG welding; Plasma welding; Electron beam welding; WAAM; Combustion chambers; Fuel tanks.

Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz
Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz
Gazi University
A New Method to Control Thermal Behavior of WAAM: Active Heating Via Infrared Technology
Prof. Oguzhan Yılmaz received his Ph.D. Degree in 2006 from the School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering and Operation Management of The University of Nottingham, UK. He involved many Rolls-Royce plc and EPSRC funded research projects as a post graduate researcher and post-doc researcher in Nottingham University RollsRoyce University Technology Centre (UTC). He also supervised national funded academic and industrial research projects in Turkiye and EU.
He is the head of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Research Group (AMTRG) in Gazi University Mechanical enginerring Department. His research interests are additive manufacturing, WAAM, advanced manufacturing processes and repair technologies.
Prof. Yilmaz is currently having different roles as,
- CEO of MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies ınc.
- President of Turkish Additive Manufacturing Association (TAMA)
- Orginising Committe member of International Additive Manufacturing Conference AMC 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024
- Editorin-Chief of The journal of the faculty of engineering and architecture of Gazi University (SCI-E indexed).
A New Method to Control Thermal Behavior of WAAM: Active Heating via Infrared Technology
Oğuzhan Yılmaz and Ebubekir Dogan
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Research Group (AMTRG), Gazi University, Ankara, Türkiye
Control of residual stresses and distortions in parts produced using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) method is one of the main concerns in the part production. Due to high heat input during the melting process in WAAM, the parts are subjected to thermal shocks, which can lead to various issues such as distortions, residual stresses, surface morphology defects, and irregular macro and microstructures. This research proposes and applies the use of external heaters in WAAM production as an innovative approach aimed at improving the quality of the produced parts by controlling thermal behavior more effectively. In this context, experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of external heaters on part quality. Sample geometries were fabricated using ER70S-6 welding wire, and conventional WAAM and externally heated WAAM methods were compared. In parallel, numerical simulations were performed to provide reference data for the experimental studies. The results showed that the parts produced with externally heated WAAM exhibited more regular geometries, refined internal structures, and more stable mechanical properties. Optical and SEM images revealed that the externally heated WAAM method reduced the formation of acicular and polygonal ferrite structures and inhibited bainite formation. Additionally, a decrease in defects such as pores, lack of fusion, and interlayer discontinuities was observed. In the conventional WAAM process, the variation in microhardness was around 30%, while this variation decreased to 12% in the externally heated WAAM process. The results indicate that the use of external heaters enhances microstructural homogeneity, resulting in a more consistent hardness distribution within the material. Furthermore, the samples produced with external heaters exhibited approximately 17% higher tensile strength compared to standard WAAM samples. The use of external heaters also resulted in a significant reduction in residual stress measurements, and the alignment of the produced parts with CAD data improved by an average of 20%. These findings highlight the effectiveness of external heaters in controlling thermal behavior in WAAM processes, thereby improving material quality and mechanical performance.
Key Words:
Additive manufacturing, wire arc additive manufacturing, residual stress, distortion

Ozan Can Ozaner
Ozan Can Ozaner
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Effect of Cooling Cycles on Microstructure Formation in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Ozan Can Ozaner graduated from TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETU, Turkey) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, he began his career as a mechanical engineer at TUSAS Engine Industries, Inc. (TEI, Turkey). Over five years at TEI, he specialized in the machinability and assessment of structural and surface integrity of additively manufactured aerospace components. Ozaner completed his master's thesis at Gazi University, graduating as the top student in his department. In 2022, he completed his career at TEI as a lead mechanical design engineer. He continued collaborating on various research projects with the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology while working as a researcher at Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany). In the same year, he joined KU Leuven as a research associate; he specialized in the production methodology and machinability of bimetallic components produced by Directed Energy Deposition (DED) systems. He has been involved in significant projects related to Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process optimization and the mechanical properties of components. Ozaner also embarked on a PhD program at the same institute in 2023. His doctoral research focuses on structural and surface integrity assessment of multi-material components produced via WAAM. With an extensive portfolio of publications and contributions to various projects, Ozaner is currently actively involved in the "Sustainable Materials Processing and Recycling" and "Structural Composites and Alloys, Integrity and Nondestructive Testing" departments at KU Leuven.
Effect of Cooling Cycles on Microstructure Formation in Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing
Ozan Can Ozaner
Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Campus De Nayer, 2860 Sint-Katelijne Waver, Belgium
Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is distinguished by its high production rate capacity and flexibility. However, it is important to note that, due to its working principle, deposition results in anisotropic microstructure distribution throughout the workpiece. This phenomenon is often undesirable in many industries where the as-built use of additive parts is required or where heat treatment operations are not feasible. Therefore, an in-depth investigation of the factors that cause anisotropy is warranted. The study focused on the influence of workpiece location and cooling cycles on microstructural formation. Hardness measurements were evaluated to relate its distribution along the building direction and cooling cycles. The analysis aimed to elucidate the interaction between cooling cycles and ferrite formations near the substrate, in the middle of the part, and at the top, and related this to hardness distribution. In conclusion, this study offers insights into the intricate dynamics of WAAM and highlights the crucial role of cooling cycles in microstructural formation.
Keywords: WAAM; Anisotropy; Microstructure; Cooling cycles; Hardness distribution; Ferrite formations.
Pedro Catarino
Pedro Catarino
Additive Manufacturing Designers: A Comparison Between IAMQS Professional Profiles and Relevant ISO Standards
Pedro Catarino is an International Welding Engineer and Manager of the International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System (IAMQS), with significant expertise in additive manufacturing (AM) standardization activities. He actively participates in ISO/TC 261 and CEN/TC 438 and serves as the convener of ISO/TC 261/JG 74, leading initiatives on Personnel Qualification standards.
Additive Manufactoring Designers: A Comparison Between IAMQS Professional Profiles and Relevant ISO Standards
Pedro Catarino1, Adelaide Almeida1
1EWF, Portugal
There is a significant demand for AM designers in the current market. The AM industry is experiencing rapid growth due to its ability to produce complex geometries, reduce lead times, and customize products. As a result, there is a growing need for professionals who can design parts specifically for AM processes. Among several, some factors contributing to the high demand for AM designers are: industry expansion, with Industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer goods increasingly adopting AM for prototyping, production, and tooling; design complexity: since AM enables the creation of intricate and lightweight designs that were previously difficult or impossible to manufacture using traditional methods; customization: as AM allows for mass customization, which requires designers to create tailored products for individual customers; and material innovation: as the development of new materials compatible with AM processes is expanding the range of applications and increasing the demand for skilled designers. Effective AM designers should possess a unique blend of technological, creative, and problem-solving skills. They must understand AM processes, materials, and design principles, while also being proficient in CAD software and simulation tools. Creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration are essential for successful AM designers to perform their jobs. Professionals can pursue a course under the IAMQS to be qualified as AM Designers. Qualification and Certification can further enhance the proficiency and credibility of professionals. There are specific standards to qualify personnel in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) design, which were developed to ensure that designers have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to create high-quality AM parts. While there is no single, universally accepted standard, there are several on-going developments to validate the qualifications of AM designers. This paper will conduct a comparative analysis of the IAMQS and ISO standards for AM designer qualification, specifically focusing on ISO/ASTM 52937. The primary objective is to determine whether the IAMQS guidelines comprehensively cover the requirements outlined in ISO/ASTM 52937, ensuring that AM designers who meet IAMQS qualification are also qualified according to ISO standards. By identifying any gaps or discrepancies, the paper will provide valuable insights for further alignment between the two.
Keywords: Designers, DED, PFL-LB, skills, qualification, standards

Prof. Dr. Peter Mayr
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayr
Technical University of Munich
Towards a Digital Twin for Laser Metal Deposition
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayr
Department Head Materials Engineering,
Professor of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich
The research of Prof. Mayr’s group focuses on the investigation of structure-process-property relationships for advanced manufacturing of challenging metallic materials and material combinations.
Peter Mayr holds a diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in Mechanical Engineering and a doctorate in Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.) of Graz University of Technology in Austria. He spent one year as a visiting scientist at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
In 2011, he was promoted to full professor of Welding Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology.
In September 2019, Prof. Mayr founded the Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing at the Technical University of Munich. His current research focuses on the development of novel feedstock for metal additive manufacturing and the development of structure-process-property relationships for various material systems and additive and welding processes.
Towards a Digital Twin for Laser Metal Deposition
P. Mayr1, S. Hartmann1,2
1Technical University of Munich, School of Engineering and Design, Department of Materials Engineering, Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing, Freisinger Landstrasse 52, 85748 Garching, Germany
2Siemens AG, Frauenauracher Straße 80, 91056 Erlangen, Germany
Additive Manufacturing (AM) enables the production of functional and complex parts in a resource-efficient way, only applying the material to the desired location. Especially Laser-based-Directed Energy Deposition (DED-LB) enables an excellent trade-off between production time and part complexity. However, this metal AM technology is currently lacking in process stability. To overcome this, various industrial and academic efforts are focusing on investigating the application of digital process representations, often referred to as Digital Twins (DT), to improve the stability of DED-LB. This contribution presents a complete framework for a digital twin of the DED-LB process consisting of three major pillars. At first, a modular digitization framework for DED-LB is presented that utilizes an edge-cloud computing methodology to fuse data streams from multiple sensors monitoring the laser-induced melt pool during production. The second pillar incorporates a thermal simulation model to predict the essential melt pool characteristics before the actual printing process. As third, a physics-informed neural network approach is applied to substantially reduce the computational time and efforts of the simulation’s melt pool predictions. In summary, the presentation showcases a path towards data-based process control of an industrial-grade laser-based manufacturing system by utilizing digitization, physics-based simulation, and artificial intelligence.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Laser-based Directed Energy Deposition; Digital Twins; Process stability; Modular digitization; Thermal simulation; Physics-informed neural network.

Prof. Dr. Pingsha Dong
Prof. Dr. Pingsha Dong
University of Michigan
Fitness-for-Purpose Based Acceptance Criteria for Distributed Discontinuities in Metallic AM Components
Fitness-for-Purpose Based Acceptance Criteria for Distributed Discontinuities in Metallic AM Components
Pingsha Dong
Professor, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
[email protected]
Most of the existing manufacturing quality acceptance criteria stipulated in various Codes and Standards or recommended practices are empirical in nature. These workmanship-based criteria have been shown adequate historically for quality control purposes in construction of metallic structures. However, as additive manufacturing (AM) is being rapidly adopted for cost-effectively fabricating critical metallic parts for safety-critical components subjected to fatigue loading, one of the major challenges has been on how to address structural significance of spatially distributed geometric discontinuities. In this talk, some of the recent developments in fracture mechanics based discontinuity acceptance criteria will be first highlighted. Interestingly, there exists a great deal of similarity between AM and welded components as far fatigue behaviors are concerned. Such an important observations will then be substantiated through synthesis of a number of detailed studies on AM parts made of stainless steel, Inconel 718, Ti-6-4, and aluminum alloys through different AM processes and post-AM processing techniques. Finally, the resulting key findings on fitness-for-purpose based discontinuity acceptance criteria will demonstrated on a few selected engineering components, including their NDT-based implementation in practice.

Rafael Nunes
Rafael Nunes
Belgian Welding Instıtute
Challenges in Welding of Additively Manufactured (WAAM and PBF LB) Aluminium Alloy Components
Rafael Nunes holds a Bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil. Currently, he is pursuing a double PhD in Electromechanical Engineering at Ghent University (UGent) and in Engineering Sciences and Technology at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium, both focused on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) and weldability of WAAM and PBF-LB additively manufactured components.
As a Project Engineer at the Belgium Welding Institute, Rafael Nunes is the responsible for the R&D activitites related to WAAM and brings over 12 years of experience in welding processes, metallurgy, physics, and automation. With a strong passion for arc, solid-state, and laser welding technologies, he has led numerous projects in collaboration with international companies and research institutes, focusing on the development and evaluation of joining, coating, and additive manufacturing processes
Challenges in Welding of Additively Manufactured (WAAM and PBF LB) Aluminium Alloy Components
R. Nunes1,2,3, K. Faes1, W. Verlinde1, W. De Waele2, M. Lezaack3, A. Simar3
1Belgian Welding Institute, 9050 Ghent, Belgium
2Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Material Engineering, Ghent University, 9050 Ghent, Belgium
3Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been developing steadily in the last few decades to overcome challenges, and operational and financial disadvantages related to conventional manufacturing processes. The Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM or DED-Arc) and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) technologies appear as very promising processes for manufacturing large and highly complex metallic components, respectively. However, even with the several advantages of AM technology, it’s not realistic to imagine a final complex product produced entirely without conventional manufacturing processes. In this way, the ability to join conventionally to additively manufactured components or parts represents a crucial step toward the future of both technologies. Although there is an increasing interest in AM technology, there is still a significant lack of information related to the joining between conventionally to additively manufactured components. The current work proposes an assessment of the weldability of AM (in this case, WAAM and PBF-LB) Al alloys by fusion and solid-state welding processes. The work describes in depth the challenges to be overcome, as well as guidelines for the welding community on how to achieve the highest quality possible in the joining of AM Al-alloys.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; WAAM; PBF-LB; Conventional manufacturing; Weldability; Al alloys; Fusion welding; Solid-state welding.

Dr. Remzi Ecmel Ece
Dr. Remzi Ecmel Ece
Turkish Aerospace Industry (TEI)
Remzi Ecmel ECE was graduated as Mechanical Engineer in 2008 from the engineering faculty of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University. He started working as a research engineer in the Turkish Aerospace between 2008 and 2010 within the scope of a project. Between 2010-2017, He worked as a Tool Design Engineer at Turkish Aerospace. His Master thesis which is about hot forming of sheet metal titanium aircraft parts was awarded the "Most Successful Thesis and Foundation" in the “4th Akın Çakmakçı University-Industry Cooperation Awards” in 2012. He also worked as chief R&D engineer between 2017-2022. His PhD study was about " Effects of Post Processes on Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg Parts" completed at Gazi University Mechanical Engineering Department. He has several funded international/national projects. Within the scope of those projects, he published articles in national and international conferences and journals (30+) related on his expertise especially, additive manufacturing, metal forming and forming analysis/testing methods of aerospace materials. He has 12 patented and awarded mechanical designs. Currently he dedicated himself to improve the company’s additive manufacturing capabilities and works as the Manager at Additive Manufacturing Division at Turkish Aerospace Ind. Company.
Recent Developments on Aerospace Applications of DED Technologies
Remzi Ecmel ECE
Turkish Aerospace Ind. Company, Ankara, Türkiye
The importance of Additive Manufacturing technology has gradually increased for the aerospace industry in the last decades. The specific applications for each of the sub-branches of this technology have been developed and continue to grow. The development of these technologies, especially in the aerospace sector, where international regulations and rules are strict, has led to developments that will have a multiplier effect in other sectors. These improvements include development of materials, machines and processes. From this perspective, DED technology is among the promising technologies. Many application examples have been developed because it is a fast and effective technology that allows the use of different materials. Since DED Additive Manufacturing technology is based on welding technology well known by the industry, many subsystems can be easily adapted. With the support of developments in machine technologies (robotic applications, automation technologies, etc.), high value-added products can be produced. In aircraft technologies, technology is widely used in direct Near Net shape aircraft parts and mold production.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Aerospace; DED technology; Materials; Machine technologies; Robotic applications; Near Net shape; Mold production.

Sebastian Recke
Sebastian Recke
Titanium Titans – The Remarkable World of Aircraft Manufacturing and the WAAM Evolution
Sebastian Recke
Senior Key Account Manager and Authorized Representative, Gefertec GmbH
Sebastian is a Production Engineer with a passion for turning big ideas into tangible results through Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). With a Diplom-Ingenieur from the University of Bremen, Sebastian has spent years honing his skills in 3D printing, from early projects in Stereolithography to advancing LBPF technology for dental restorations at Begomedical.
Since 2018 uptil now, at Gefertec, Sebastian is at the forefront of WAAM technology, helping businesses unlock new possibilities in manufacturing. As a Senior Key Account Manager and Authorized Representative, he combines deep technical expertise with a knack for making this promising technology accessible and actionable.
Sebastian knows that WAAM isn’t just another 3D-printing tool—it’s a game changer for modern manufacturing of big metal parts.
Titanium Titans – The Remarkable World of Aircraft Manufacturing and the WAAM Evolution
Sebastian Recke
Gefertec GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Titanium is one of the metals that makes the aerospace industry soar—strong, lightweight, and resistant to corrosion. But here’s the catch: the traditional process of turning titanium into essential aircraft parts is anything but efficient. In fact, it's downright wasteful, with up to 95% of the material ending up as scrap. Add to that the enormous energy consumption and high costs, and you’re left with a manufacturing process that seems stuck in the past. So, what’s the answer? Could Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) be the game-changer we’ve been waiting for? In this session, we’ll explore how WAAM is poised to evolutionize drastically the production of titanium parts. We’ll dive into real-world examples and discuss why the big aircraft manufacturer are rethinking currently how to produce titanium components. Curious about how this could impact your business or your research efforts? Come find out why WAAM might just be one important piece for the future of aerospace manufacturing.
Keywords: Titanium; Aerospace; WAAM; Manufacturing efficiency; Scrap reduction; Energy consumption; Cost; Aircraft parts.

Prof. Dr. Sergio Amancio
Prof. Dr. Sergio Amancio
Graz University of Technology
Solid-state joining of additive manufactured metals for lightweight applications
Prof. Dr. Sergio T. Amancio-Filho is a full professor for aviation materials and manufacturing techniques at Graz University of Technology - TU Graz (Austria). In addition, Sergio Amancio is an adjunct professor in the Welding Engineering Program at Ohio State University (USA) since 2020. He was also a visiting professor in joining technology and additive manufacturing at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, (Russia) from 2020 to 2021. Prof. Amancio has been working on the correlation between processing parameters, microstructure and material properties of joining and additive manufacturing techniques. Before joining TU Graz, he was a Helmholtz-Young Investigator Group Leader at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Germany) and Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) for Joining Technology at Hamburg University of Technology - TU Hamburg (Germany). Sergio Amancio has been awarded 36 patents, co-authored more than 320 technical publications and co-edited 3 technical books. During his academic career, he has advised and supported the careers of several young professionals, with 80 PhD, MSc and BSc theses completed under his supervision by September 2024. He has received national and international awards, including the 'Georg Sachs Prize 2013' and the 'DGM Prize 2022' of the German Society for Materials Science (DGM), as well as the 'Granjon Prize 2009', the 'Yoshiaki Arata Prize 2023' and the 'Halil Kaya Gedik Prize 2024' of the International Institute of Welding. Since 2009, Prof. Amancio has served as an expert and delegate member of various IIW Commissions and is currently the Chair of IIW Commission XVI - Polymer Joining and Adhesive Technology.
Solid-State Joining of Additive Manufactured Metals for Lightweight Applications
Sergio Amancio
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming, Graz 8010, Austria
The aerospace industry is experiencing a significant and growing demand for lightweight components, and metal additive manufacturing technologies are playing an increasingly important role in meeting this need. These technologies enable the production of lightweight, topology-optimized components. Such components must be incorporated into the wrought alloy airframe structure using either reopenable or permanent joining methods. Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW) is emerging as a promising technique for permanent joining because it is a solid-state process that does not add weight to the welded structure. RFSSW is an effective method for welding various aluminum alloys, including both similar and dissimilar joints commonly used in the aerospace and automotive industries. Therefore, RFSSW is a potential alternative to conventional mechanical fastening methods that have long been the standard in aircraft structural design. This invited lecture will present a comparative analysis of RFSSW single-lap joints versus traditional mechanically fastened joints. The analysis will focus on the microstructure, quasi-static mechanical strength, and fatigue life of similar and dissimilar single-lap joints made from Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printed (L-PBF) AlSi10Mg and rolled AA7075-T6 aluminum alloys. The study will also investigate the fracture and crack propagation mechanisms of these joints, highlighting the key differences between the two joining technologies.
Keywords: Aerospace; Metal additive manufacturing; Lightweight components; RFSSW; Aluminum alloys; Mechanical fastening; Single-lap joints; L-PBF; AA7075-T6.

Sertaç Altınok
Sertaç Altınok
Turkish Aerospace Industries
Development of Fast-Paced Modular Microsatellite Production by Additive Manufacturing.
Sertaç Altınok holds a B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Middle East Technical University (METU) and is an international welding engineer approved by IIW. During his Master's studies, he developed a novel process for the continuous production of nano-sized boron carbide particles through thermal plasma synthesis. Alongside his academic research, Sertaç began his industrial career at Turkish Aerospace, where he contributed to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program for F-35 aircraft, focusing on metallic materials, such as aluminum and titanium, as well as polymer-based composites.
In the R&D department of Turkish Aerospace, his dual expertise in academia and industry led him to pioneer a process for the thermal plasma production of micron-sized powder feedstock for additive manufacturing, particularly focused on the recycling of titanium Grade 5 alloy chips. He also spearheaded the development and qualification of AlSi10Mg satellite brackets produced via laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) for space applications.
Sertaç completed his Ph.D. with a focus on the development of high-entropy alloys via additive manufacturing, employing both L-PBF and arc-directed energy deposition (arc-DED) processes. Since 2022, he has served as the Chief Engineer of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at Turkish Aerospace, leading a team of highly skilled engineers with backgrounds in various disciplines. His team is dedicated to adopting and advancing emerging manufacturing technologies for aerospace structures.
Under his leadership, the team has secured grants for 11 major projects, including 5 funded by the European Commission. Sertaç holds 6 national and 5 internationally protected patents, and his innovative work has been recognized with multiple awards, including the prestigious Grand Prix from the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA).
Development Of Fast-Paced Modular Microsatellite Production By Additive Manufacturing
Sertaç Altınok
Turkish Aerospace Ind. Company, Türkiye
The rapid advancements in rocket technology have significantly reduced launch costs, transforming satellite design from large, multi-purpose structures weighing tons to compact, single-purpose platforms weighing only a few kilograms. This shift has enabled highly specialized satellite designs requiring custom structural components. In this context, the laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) process offers great potential for manufacturing satellite structural panels. A lattice-based panel, developed with 0.5 mm and 1 mm sheet and strut thicknesses, has been successfully qualified within manufacturing constraints. Repeated use of this developed panel allows for the rapid production of scalable microsatellite platforms, minimizing engineering design time while ensuring structural integrity for space applications.
Keywords: Rocket technology; Microsatellites; L-PBF; Structural panels; Lattice design; Space applications; Manufacturing constraints.

Prof. Dr. Sergio Cicero
Prof. Dr. Sergio Cicero
LADICIM, University of Cantabria
Sergio Cicero is Full Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the UC. He has published more than 250 documents in journals and conference proceedings, and presented more than 90 works at national and international conferences. He is associate editor of the J. of Mech. Behav. Mater. (De Gruyter) and Alex. Eng. J. (Elsevier), member of the editorial board of Mater. Des. Process. Commun. (Wiley), Int. J. Struct. Integr. (Emerald), Front. Mater. (Frontiers) and Metals (MDPI). Concerning research projects, he has participated as Principal Researcher in a number of initiatives, including 4 international projects undertaken within the European 7th Framework Programme (HIPERCUT) and Horizon2020 (INCEFA-PLUS, INCEFA-SCALE, FRACTESUS). These initiatives have been accompanied by a strong national and international presence, being, among others, Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Structural Integrity (SEIE-GEF) and ViceChair of ASME Spain Section.
Fracture Toughness Characterization of Welds by Using Mini-CT Specimens: FRACTESUS Project Findings
Sergio Cicero
LADICIM, University of Cantabria, Spain
This work provides an overview of mini-C(T) specimen technology, which may be used to characterize the fracture behaviour of steels by using miniaturized 0.16T (4 mm thick) CT specimens. Thus, mini-C(T) specimens are significantly smaller than conventional fracture specimens and allow testing a large number of specimens with limited material. The approach has been systematically validated in a number of steels, mainly (but not only) nuclear grades in both irradiated and non-irradiated conditions and covering both base materials and welds. On this last case, mini-C(T) approach is of particular importance, as it allows the local fracture toughness of the weld bead to be specifically characterized. The research shown here summarizes the results obtained within the European project FRACTESUS, which lasted from 2020 to 2024, and gathers the main conclusions obtained during these four years of intense research.
Keywords: Mini-C(T) specimens; Fracture behavior; Steels; Nuclear grades; Irradiated conditions; Welds; FRACTESUS project.

Prof. Dr. Shahram Sheikhi
Prof. Dr. Shahram Sheikhi
Hamburg Technology University
Innovative control of robots for manual welding application
Shahram Sheikhi is a distinguished professor in the field of material sciences and welding at HAW Hamburg, where he has been serving since October 2014. He is also the head of the Joining Laboratories and the Transfer Center FTZ3i at the Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Schweißtechnik. Dr. Sheikhi began his academic journey at BUGH University Wuppertal, where he earned his graduate degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in 1998, focusing on optical stress analysis. He later obtained his doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from Duisburg-Essen University in 2006, specializing in welding and forming.
Before joining HAW Hamburg, Dr. Sheikhi accumulated extensive industry experience, notably at MAN Diesel und Turbo SE, where he served as the Head of the Technology Department, overseeing key areas such as welding, material testing, quality assurance, and development. His career also includes significant roles at SLV-Duisburg, Steel Institute VDEH, GKSS-Research Centre Geesthacht, and Kosching-Consulting. Throughout his career, Dr. Sheikhi has made substantial contributions to the fields of material science, joining technology, and additive manufacturing.
Innovative Control of Robots for Manual Welding Application
Sharam Sheikhi
University of Applied Science Hamburg, Institute of Materials Science and Joining Technology, Hamburg, Germany
In the field of welding technology, despite digitalization and automation, many tasks are still carried out manually. The potential for accidents is particularly high when working in confined spaces, such as in boiler making or shipbuilding. For reasons of occupational safety, the welders must be replaced at intervals of two to four hours, depending on the severity of the workload. Therefore, to carry out a welding activity in working environments that are dangerous for people, at least a team with at least two welders is required.
To ensure the quality of work, the required welders must have the same qualifications and manual skills for each shift. In addition, the quality of the work depends on the length of time the welder is employed until he is replaced. As part of the Meritec project, a system was implemented that reduces the workload and risk to staff through the cooperative use of humans and robots and at the same time increases the competitiveness of businesses. The system is a mobile unit developed at HAW-Hamburg as part of a project funded by the IFB Bank Hamburg from April 2019 to December 2021, which makes it possible to produce weld seams remotely via a computer terminal. The unit consists of a number of sensors and computers. These are connected to each other and to an industrial robot via network interfaces. Using various controls, it is possible to remotely control the industrial robot in real time. No computers or programming knowledge from operating staff is required to produce welds with the robot.
Keywords: Welding technology; Digitalization; Automation; Occupational safety; Meritec project; Human-robot collaboration; Mobile welding unit; Industrial robot; Remote control.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simge Gençalp
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simge Gençalp
Manisa Celal Bayar University
Enhancing Material Performance: Evaluating Shot Peening and Laser Peening Processes for Industrial Applications
Dr. Simge (Gençalp) İrizalp is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Manisa Celal Bayar University, specializing in advanced manufacturing processes and surface engineering. With a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Manisa Celal Bayar University, Dr. Doe's research focuses on improving the mechanical and metallurgical properties of metals and alloys through innovative techniques such as laser peening, shot peening, semi solid forming, laser welding and additive manufacturing.
Dr. (Gençalp) İrizalp has authored over 30 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals, including Optics and Laser Technology and materials and manufacturing processes, and her work has been cited more than 350 times. She has received grants from both industry and government agencies to explore applications of surface treatments in automotive and aerospace sectors. Dr. (Gençalp) İrizalp is also an invited speaker at international conferences, regularly presenting her findings on optimizing material performance for industrial applications.
In addition to her research, Dr. (Gençalp) İrizalp is passionate about mentoring the next generation of engineers. She has supervised graduate students, several of whom have gone on to pursue academic careers or advanced research positions in industry.
Enhancing Material Performance: Evaluating Shot Peening and Laser Peening Processes for Industrial Applications
Simge Gençalp
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manisa Celal Bayar University, 45140, Manisa, Türkiye
In modern industrial applications, the demand for materials with superior performance is ever-increasing, pushing the boundaries of surface treatment processes. Among these, shot peening and laser peening can be used as critical techniques for enhancing material properties, particularly in casting, welding, and additive manufacturing processes.
Shot peening has proven to be highly effective in enhancing the surface hardness and microstructure of aluminum-silicon (Al-Si) cast alloys. Notably, in the hypoeutectic A356 alloy, shot peening facilitates a finer, denser distribution of silicon particles while refining grain morphology at the surface. This transformation leads to improved wear resistance, making the alloy more durable in high-stress environments. Additionally, shot peening mitigates the impact of surface defects in steel materials, enhancing their defect tolerance and shifting crack initiation to subsurface layers. This effect significantly bolsters fatigue resistance, extending the operational lifespan of these materials under cyclic loading.
Moving beyond traditional alloys, shot peening has also demonstrated its value in austenitic stainless steel, providing comparable benefits to those observed in laser peening. While both techniques improve surface hardness and introduce beneficial compressive residual stresses, laser peening offers more precise, localized application, particularly advantageous in stress-critical areas like weld seams. Recent studies highlight laser peening's superior effectiveness in reducing stress corrosion cracking in welded austenitic stainless steel, especially when applied without a coating—underscoring its potential as a future-focused solution in industries where reliability under extreme conditions is paramount.
In the realm of additive manufacturing, particularly with selective laser melting (SLM) of Ti6Al4V alloys, the microstructural modifications induced by both conventional and severe shot peening have garnered significant attention. These treatments have not only refined the material's grain structure and increased dislocation density but also improved its fatigue strength and extended its lifecycle—further solidifying peening processes as essential in optimizing the performance of advanced, additively manufactured components.
In summary, shot peening and laser peening represent powerful methods for enhancing the performance of various materials across industries. Whether improving the wear resistance of cast alloys, preventing stress corrosion in welded components, or enhancing the fatigue life of additively manufactured parts, these processes hold immense potential for achieving the high standards required in modern industrial applications.
Keywords: Shot peening, laser peening, casting, welding, SLM, fatigue, micro-hardness, microstructure

Dr. Simon Jahn
Dr. Simon Jahn
IFW Jena
Potentials of Handheld Laser Beam Welding
Dr. Simon Jahn ifw Jena - Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH Ernst-Ruska-Ring 3 07745 Jena Germany Phone +49 (3641) 204 151 Fax +49 (3641) 204 210 Mobile +49 (172) 3413 344 E-Mail [email protected] CV 1997-2003 Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Study of mechanical / production engineering first contact with additive manufacturing of a part by diffusion bond during practical session in 1999 2003-2010 different position at Ilmenau University of Technology - Department of production technologies as well as Technical University of Berlin - Department of joining and coating technologies 2007 PhD-thesis: „Technologieentwicklung zur Herstellung variantenreicher innenstrukturierter Bauteile und Werkzeuge“ – about additive manufacturing of parts with inside features by diffusion bonding since 2010 ifw Jena - Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH private nonprofit institute for joining and material testing, dealing with additive manufacturing by laser powder bed fusion (4 systems), directed energy deposition (1 arc and 1 laser system), material extrusion of metal filled filaments (2 systems), sheet lamination (water jet and laser cutting, 4 diffusion bonder), laser and arc welding, ultrashort pulse laser processing, laser processing in clean room environment, certified material testing lab 2010 head of joining department since 2016 CEO of ifw Jena - Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung After studying mechanical engineering, Simon finished his PhD. thesis in 2007 (about additive manufacturing by diffusion bonding) and held various positions at Ilmenau University of Technology) as well as Technical University of Berlin. He joined ifw Jena in 2010 and is head of the institute since 2016. Beside others, projects about influence of gases in PBF, arc and laser welding or heat treatment were carried out (e.g. duplex steels, Ti- and Al alloys). Simon is convenor of ISO/TC 261/JWG 10 - Additive manufacturing in aerospace applications as well as for the national DIN Metal-AM committee, member of different steering committees (ISO, DIN, VDI, DVS, etc.) and supports the International Institute of Welding in different commissions, e.g. Brazing and Diffusion Bonding or as German delegate for AM
Potentials of Handheld Laser Beam Welding
Simon Jahn
IFW Jena - Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH Ernst-Ruska-Ring 3 07745 Jena, Germany
Since 2023 at the latest, handheld laser beam welding systems have become of interest to many companies. This is mainly due to two factors. Firstly, the costs for such a system have fallen significantly in recent years. Secondly, there is economic pressure in the manufacture of welded products, also due to the shortage of skilled workers. The presentation addresses various aspects of handheld laser beam welding, in particular the current state of the art and the application potentials.
The higher throughput, less straightening work due to the lower heat input, and the use of less experienced personnel has to be mentioned here. However, welders still need to be qualified, also to deal with the dangers of laser radiation. In addition to welding, many systems for handheld laser beam welding also have a cleaning function, as described. The risks to be considered here are considerably greater, since on the one hand, a touchdown or contact control is often omitted and on the other hand, the beam is conditioned for a larger working distance.
Application requirements must be taken into account during the design for handheld laser welding (“zero gap”). This continues during edge preparation. Handheld laser welding is a supplement to welding processes, although arc processes still have their place, for example with small, complex geometries or in terms of accessibility. However, if longer seams, for example 1.5 m long, have to be welded and these are prepared accordingly, then handheld laser welding is currently the norm, especially with regard to welding speed when welding by hand.
Keywords: Handheld laser welding, application, laser safety

Dr. Tomoyuki Ueyema
Dr. Tomoyuki Ueyema
OTC Daihen
Factors affecting arc stability in tandem pulsed GMA welding process
After graduating from Graduate School of Welding Engineering, Osaka University in 1987, Dr. Ueyama jointed DAIHEN Corporation and started his career in the R&D division, engaging in research on arc welding process with digital and inverter control technology. These results have been adopted at various welding field and contribute to the advance of manufacturing in the world. In 2006, he received PhD (Engineering) from Osaka University. Currently, he is a senior executive officer of DAIHEN Corporation, and he is managing group companies as the head of European operations. In addition, Dr. Ueyama is also a visiting professor at the Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, and serves as an IIW Board Director from 2023.
Factors Affecting Arc Stability in Tandem Pulsed GMA Welding Process
Tomoyuki Ueyama
Daihen (OTC) Corporation, Osaka, 5328512, Japan
In the tandem pulsed gas metal arc welding, the occurrence of arc interruption by the electromagnetic interaction between the two adjacent arcs becomes a problem. In order to clarify this problem, effects of inter-wire distance and Ar-CO2 gas mixture ratio on an abnormal arc voltage and arc interruption are investigated. The abnormal arc voltage and the arc interruption frequently occur with pulse peak currents are supplied alternately to two wires. In addition, both phenomena occur in trailing arc which is located on molten pool at base current duration remarkably. There is most number of abnormal arc voltage and arc interruption times in trailing when the inter-wire distance is 10 mm because a deflected length of trailing arc by the electromagnetic interaction becomes the longest. Moreover, the CO2 mixture ratio in shielded gas affects the occurrence of abnormal arc voltage and arc interruption. The abnormal arc voltage and arc interruption do not occur when CO2 gas mixture ratio is equal to or less than 5%. However, number of abnormal arc voltage and arc interruption time increase rapidly with increasing CO2 gas mixture ratio when CO2 gas mixture ratio is over 10%.
Keywords: Tandem pulsed GMAW; Arc interruption; Electromagnetic interaction; Inter-wire distance; Ar-CO2 ratio; Abnormal voltage; Trailing arc; CO2 ratio.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Yaman
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Yaman
Middle East Technical University
Non-Destructive Evaluation Approaches for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Assoc. Prof. Ulaş Yaman has been a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Middle East Technical University (METU) since February 2016. He earned his Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees from the same department, successfully completing a minor in Mechatronics during his undergraduate studies. From 2014 to 2015, he conducted postdoctoral research as a visiting scholar in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University. Currently, he also serves as the Director of the Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center at METU.
Assoc. Prof. Yaman’s research interests include additive manufacturing, CAD/CAM architectures, and computational geometry for design and manufacturing. He has published extensively in these areas and has received two best paper awards at international conferences.
Non-Destructive Evaluation Approaches for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Ulaş Yaman
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) has emerged as a promising technique in the field of metal additive manufacturing, offering significant advantages in terms of material efficiency, cost, and scalability. However, ensuring the integrity and reliability of components produced by WAAM remains a critical challenge, particularly in safety-critical industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy. Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) plays a pivotal role in this context, enabling the detection of defects and irregularities without compromising the component's usability.
This talk will provide an overview of the current NDE techniques applicable to WAAM, highlighting their capabilities and limitations. It will cover conventional methods such as ultrasonic testing, radiography, and visual inspection, as well as advanced approaches like thermography, eddy current testing, and X-ray computed tomography (CT). Additionally, the talk will address the challenges unique to WAAM, including the detection of porosity, cracks, and microstructural inconsistencies, and will discuss the ongoing research aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of NDE in this domain.
By exploring case studies and recent developments, the presentation will offer insights into how NDE can be integrated into the WAAM process to ensure high-quality production, paving the way for broader industrial adoption. The talk will conclude with a discussion on future trends and the potential for real-time monitoring and in-situ evaluation techniques, which could revolutionize quality assurance in WAAM.
Keywords: Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM); Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE); Ultrasonic testing; Radiography; Visual inspection; Thermography; Eddy current testing; X-ray CT; Defect detection; Porosity; Cracks; Microstructural inconsistencies.

Dr. Üstün Duman
Dr. Üstün Duman
Material Selection & Development, and Metal Additive Manufacturing Process for AR/MR/VR Products
Dr. Duman is currently working at Meta under Reality Labs (Hardware) pillar in Materials Innovation Technology team. He is specialized in Metal materials development & selection (Al, Ti, SS, NiTi, Ni, MMC, clad alloys, etc.), and material manufacturing (sheet, cast, wire&bar, 3D print, etc.), material supplier qualification for electronics products. Ustun Duman had his Bachelors, Masters and first round of Ph.D. at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (Laser Welding, Dissimilar Metals Welding, Bio-Materials). Then moved to US where he completed his to Ph.D. (Welding, Modeling) in Metallurgical and Material Science Eng. at Colorado School of Mines (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Patricio Mendez). He also has a Lean Manager degree from The Ohio State University, and also he is a certified Lean 6 Sigma Master Black Belt (Accenture). After his graduate work, he worked in manufacturing industry at Caterpillar R&D (intern), Novelis (formerly known ALCAN), Kaiser Aluminum. In last decade, he continued his career by switching to Electronics industry (Consumer and Semi-Conductor) at Apple, LAM Research, Applied Materials and Meta.
Material Selection & Development, and Metal Additive Manufacturing Process for AR/MR/VR Products
Ustun Duman
Meta Platforms, California, USA
Material selection & development is key for Electronics Industry (especially consumer electronics) to deliver the best customer experience and achieve competitive advantage in the market. In last 20 years with the ultra fast developing electronics, the need for better and specific materials has benn increased. Highly competitive market conditions causing the companies to compete for development and production of electronic devices that delivers better and better performance that consumers appreciate year over year. Due to this high demand and “fast pace” development needs, material Design and manufacturing methods also need to be delivered in shorter lead times, better mechanical and chemical performance. AR (Augmented Reality) / MR (Mixed Reality) / VR (Virtual Reality) aims to deliver best user experience by working on durable, lighter weight, and special design materials and thus the methods of producing them. The transition from traditional manufacturing methods to additive manufacturing is reshaping the production of various products. “Speed to Market” is very important, thus prototyping lead times need to be as short as possible. This brings the need of using 3D printing of plastics, metals, etc. which also shortens and allows faster “Prototype to Product” implementations. In this study, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the development of these products/parts through additive manufacturing technologies, starting with the critical aspect of material selection & development, and its impact on performance and functionality.
Keywords: Metals, Alloy Development, Electronics, 3D printing, Lightweight materials, Material qualification

Yin Jin Janin
Yin Jin Janin
Mechanical Properties of Wire Plus Arc Additive Manufactured Steel, Stainless Steel and Nickel-Based Superalloys and Potential Challenges in Defect Assessment
Yin Jin Janin is a highly experienced structural integrity engineer with a thorough knowledge of ECA and experience in fracture toughness testing. Employed by TWI since July 2012, her job scope spans across testing, defect assessment, technical peer review as well as design-by-analysis.
She has an active track record in fracture testing and engineering consultancy. She is currently leading structural integrity assessment activities at TWI. Since 2016, she has been actively involved in the revision of British defect assessment procedure BS 7910. She is a member of the main committee and various working groups of BS 7910. Along with the chair of UK Fracture Toughness Testing Committee, she represents UK BSI on ISO committees. Yin Jin is also the UK delegate for IIW Commission X and theme lead for Codes and Standards of FESI.
Mechanical Properties Of Wire Plus Arc Additive Manufactured Steel, Stainless Steel and Nickel-Based Superalloys and Potential Challenges in Defect Assessment
Yin Jin Janin
TWI, United Kingdom
Different approaches to build methodology and their effects on the mechanical properties including yield and tensile strength, impact, fracture toughness, and anisotropy were examined and interactions and co-relations identified. The technology has been demonstrated to be capable of producing structures with acceptable properties, but they remained direction-dependent (ie anisotropic). The potential challenges associated with defect assessment of AM materials were discussed with considerations given to the guidance described in handbook procedures eg BS 7910.
Keywords: Methodology; Mechanical properties; Yield strength; Tensile strength; Impact; Fracture toughness; Anisotropy; Defect assessment; AM materials; BS 7910.

Prof. Dr. Zuheir Barsoum
Prof. Dr. Zuheir Barsoum
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dr. Zuheir Barsoum is a Professor of Lightweight Structures at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He holds an annual endowment through SSAB (Swedish Steel Company). His research interests include the fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures, structural integrity, joining and welding of lightweight metals, and computational weld mechanics. He currently supervises five PhD students and has authored or co-authored over 200 articles in international journals and conferences. Professor Barsoum plays an active role in the International Institute of Welding (IIW). He has also authored and co-authored books on IIW design recommendations. He has received international awards through IIW, including the Granjon Award in 2010 and the Gedik Award in 2020, for his contributions to the fields of design and structural integrity. In addition to his academic achievements, Professor Barsoum has been active in commercializing research. He is a co-founder of Winteria® (, a company that develops and sells digitized systems for quality assurance in welding and other manufacturing processes.
Digitized Quality Inspection in Welding Production
Zuheir Barsoum
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
A comprehensive overview of weld quality control and assurance for welded structures, focusing on preventing failures due to fatigue loading is provided. It highlights the drawbacks and limitations of current quality control systems and discusses the international weld quality standards and guidelines used in modern welding production. Additionally, a new online method for quality control and assurance of welded structures is introduced. This method aims to enable complete, online evaluation of large quantities of welds in an accurate and repeatable manner. The information gathered will not only determine weld quality levels concerning fatigue strength but also improve process control, welding power sources, and robot control systems. A key aspect of this new approach is the integration of digital visual inspection technology, specifically the Winteria system. This system captures high-resolution images of welds and uses sophisticated algorithms to detect defects, inconsistencies, and other quality issues that may not be visible through traditional inspection methods. Winteria's digital inspection capabilities allow for a more thorough and consistent assessment of weld quality, contributing to better overall quality control. The incorporation of advanced digital visual inspection technology and laser scanning serves as a modern tool for automated, unbiased geometrical weld quality assurance in a production environment. Today, this integrated system, Winteria, is commercialized and successfully implemented at several manufacturing sites.
Keywords: Welding, Digitalization, Quality Assurance, Fatigue and Fracture, Inspection, Digitalization.